
Impact Factor Publications

  • A. Sarwar, M. K. Imran, Nadeem Akhtar, and T. Fatima. “Does social media usage boost career prospects of women: an exploratory study in the academia”. In: Kybernetes (Feb. 2022). ISSN: 0368-492X. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 2.352]

  • M. Nauman, Nadeem Akhtar, O.H. Alhazmi, M. Hameed, H. Ullah, and N. Khan. “Improving the Correctness of Medical Diagnostics Based on Machine Learning With Coloured Petri Nets”. In: IEEE Access 9 (2021), pp. 143434–143447. ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 3.745]

  • I.U. Khan, N. Aslam, T. Anwar, S.S. Aljameel, M. Ullah, R. Khan, A. Rehman, and Nadeem Akhtar. “Remote Diagnosis and Triaging Model for Skin Cancer Using EfficientNet and Extreme Gradient Boosting”. In: Complexity 2021 (2021), pp. 1–13. ISSN: 1076-2787. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 2.833]

  • M. Nauman, Nadeem Akhtar, A. Alhudhaif, and A. Alothaim. “Guaranteeing correctness of machine learning based decision making at higher educational institutions”. In: IEEE Access 9 (2021), pp. 92864–92880. ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 3.745]

  • A. Rehman, Nadeem Akhtar, and O.H. Alhazmi. “Formal Modeling, Proving, and Model Checking of a Flood Warning, Monitoring, and Rescue System-of-Systems”. In: Scientific Programming 2021 (Apr. 2021), pp. 1–17. ISSN: 1058-9244. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 0.963]

  • S. Qadri, S.F Qadri, A. Razzaq, M. Rehman, N. Ahmad, S.A. Nawaz, N. Saher, Nadeem Akhtar, and D.M. Khan. “Classification of canola seed varieties based on multi-feature analysis using computer vision approach”. In: International Journal of Food Properties 24.1 (Mar. 2021), pp. 493–504. ISSN: 1094-2912. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 1.808].

  • M.K. Sohail, Nadeem Akhtar, D.M. Khan, H. Afzal, M.R. Mufti, S. Hussain, M. Ahmed “Analyzing COVID-2019 impact on mental health through social media forum”. In: Computers, Materials and Continua (CMC) 67.3 (2021), pp. 3737–3748. ISSN: 1546-2218. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 4.89].

  • S.J. Shoukat, H. Afzal, M.R. Mufti, M.K. Sohail, D.M. Khan, Nadeem Akhtar, S. Hussain, and M. Ahmed. “Analyzing COVID-19 impact on the researchers productivity through their perceptions”. In: Computers, Materials and Continua (CMC) 67.2 (2021), pp. 1835–1847. ISSN: 1546-2218. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 4.89].

  • D.M. Khan, T. Aslam, Nadeem Akhtar, S. Qadri, I. M. Rabbani, and M. Aslam. “Black hole attack prevention in mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) using ant colony optimization technique”. In: Information Technology and Control (ITC), Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) 49.3 (Sept. 2020), pp. 308–319. ISSN: 1392-124X. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 1.2280].

  • M.M.S. Missen, A. Naeem, H. Asmat, N. Salamat, Nadeem Akhtar, M. Coustaty, and VB Prasath. “Improving seller–customer communication process using word embeddings”. In: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 12.1 (July 2021), pp. 2257–2272. ISSN: 1868-5145. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 7.1040].

  • M.O. Akbar, M.J. Ali, A. Hussain, G. Qaiser, M. Pasha, U. Pasha, M.S. Missen, and Nadeem Akhtar. “IoT for development of smart dairy farming”. In: Journal of Food Quality, Hindawi Publishers (2020), pp. 1–8. ISSN: 0146-9428. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 2.45]

  • M.M.S. Missen, S. Qureshi, N. Salamat, Nadeem Akhtar, H. Asmat, M. Coustaty, and VB Prasath. “Scientometric analysis of social science and science disciplines in a developing nation: a case study of Pakistan in the last decade”. In: Scientometrics 123.1 (2020), pp. 113–142. ISSN: 0138-9130. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 3.2380].

  • M. Waheed, Nadeem Akhtar, H. Afzal, M. Ahmed, D.M. Khan, M.R. Mufti, S. Hussain, and A. Habib. “Automatic Video Annotation of Human Health Care Action via Clustering”. In: Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 10.10 (Oct. 2020), pp. 2512–2521. ISSN: 2156-7018. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 0.659].

  • S.Z. Mahmood, H. Afzal, M.R. Mufti, Nadeem Akhtar, A. Habib, and S. Hussain. “A Novel Method of Image Denoising: New Variant of Block Matching and 3D”. In: Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 10.10 (Oct. 2020), pp. 2490–2500. ISSN: 2156-7018. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor = 0.659]

  • Nadeem Akhtar, A. Rehman, M. Hussnain, S. Rohail, M.S. Missen, M. Nasir, A. Hayder, N. Salamat, and M. Pasha. “Hierarchical coloured petri-net based multi-agent system for flood monitoring, prediction, and rescue (FMPR)”. In: IEEE Access 7.01 (Dec. 2019), pp. 180544–180557. ISSN: 2169-3536. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor 4.098].

  • S. Tariq, Nadeem Akhtar, H. Afzal, S. Khalid, M.R. Mufti, S. Hussain, A. Habib, G. Ahmad, “A Novel Co-Training-Based Approach for the Classification of Mental Illnesses Using Social Media Posts,” in IEEE Access, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 166165-166172, ISSN: 2169-3536, 14 November 2019. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor 4.098]

  • M. HUSNAIN, M.M.S. MISSEN, Nadeem AKHTAR, M. COUSTATY, S. MUMTAZ, V.B.S. PRASATH, “A Systematic Study on the Role of SentiWordNet in Opinion Mining” , Frontiers of Computer Science, ISSN 2095-2228, pp. 1-26, 28 October 2019, CN 10-1014/TP, DOI: [ISI Impact Factor 1.275].

  • M. Attik, M.M.S. Missen, M. Coustaty, G.S. Choi, F.S. Alotaibi, Nadeem Akhtar, M.Z. Jhandir, V.B.S. Prasath, N. Salamat, M. Husnain, “OpinionML—Opinion Markup Language for Sentiment Representation”. Symmetry - MDPI, Vol. 11, No. 4:545, pp. 1-37, 15 April 2019. ISSN 2073-8994. DOI: [ISI Impact Factor 2.645].

Local HEC Recognized Journal Publications - HEC X and Y Category

  • M. Hameed and Nadeem Akhtar (2022). “Student Performance Prediction in Intelligent ELearning for Tertiary Education”. International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control. Vol.13, No.02, pp.293-299, ISSN: 0974-8571, Dec. 2021. [HEC Recognized X Category]

  • Nadeem Akhtar, M. Pasha, A. Rehman, “Approach for the formal specification, modelling, and verification of a safety-critical multi-agent system; An employee's management multi-agent system (EM-MAS)”, Technical Journal, UET Taxila, Vol.25, No.04, pp.46-54, (2021), Jan 29, 2021. Print ISSN:1813-1786 URL: [HEC Recognized Y Category]

  • Nadeem Akhtar, S. Hussain, “Formal Modeling of a Mail Transport System based on Multi-Agent System-of-Systems”, Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Robotics Applications (JICTRA), (Formally known as NICE Research Journal of Computer Sciences), Vol.10, No.01, pp.68-79, January-June 2019. ISSN: 2523-5729, URL: [HEC Recognized X Category]

  • D.M. Khan, I. Yaqoob, Nadeem Akhtar, “Smart Education with Smart Phones: A Case Study of Bahawalpur”, Global Regional Review (GRR), Vol. IV, No. II (Spring 2019), pp. 215-223, Print ISSN: 2616-955X, Online ISSN: 2663-7030. DOI: [HEC Recognized Y Category]

  • Nadeem Akhtar, A. Rehman, and D.M. Khan, “Formal Verification of Safety and Liveness Properties using Coloured Petri-Nets: A Flood Monitoring, Warning, and Rescue System”, Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Robotics Applications (JICTRA), (Formally known as NICE Research Journal of Computer Sciences), Vol.09, No.01, pp.80-88, January-June 2018. ISSN: 2523-5729. URL: [HEC Recognized X Category]

  • Nadeem Akhtar, M.M.S. Missen, R.Z. Hashmi, “Formal modeling and proving of Campus Management System: Event-B perspective”, Bahria University Journal of Information and Communication Technologies (BUJICT), Vol.10, No.II, December 2017, pp. 1-6. ISSN: 1999-4974. URL: [HEC Recognized Y Category in December 2017]

  • Nadeem Akhtar, D.M. Khan, M.M.S. Missen, “Formal Validation of an Agent-based Location Guidance System (LGS)”. Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Robotics Applications (JICTRA). (Formally known as NICE Research Journal of Computer Sciences). ISSN: 2523-5729, Vol.08, No.02, pp.53-58, July-December 2017. URL: [HEC Recognized Y Category in December 2017]

Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Journal Publications - ISI Master Journal List Journals

  • A. Naseem, Nadeem Akhtar, M.S. Missen, "Formal specification of a Truck Geo-Location Big-data Application”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application (IJACSA), The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, Vol.08, No.04, pp.342-351, April. 2017, ISSN 2156-5570. DOI:

  • S. Hussain, M.M.S. Missen, Nadeem Akhtar, M. Husnain, I. Hussain, M. A. Nizamani, “Empirical Evaluation of Social and Traditional Search Tools for Adhoc Information Retrieval”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application (IJACSA), The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, Vol.08, No.02, pp.410-415, Feb. 2017, ISSN 2156-5570. DOI:

  • N. Afzal, M.M.S. Missen, A. Firdous, Nadeem Akhtar, H. Asmat, S. Ullah, “Mobile Technology Based Polio-Vaccination System (PVS) – First Step Towards Polio-Free Pakistan”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application (IJACSA), The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, Vol.08, No.02, pp.416-429, Feb. 2017, ISSN 2156-5570. DOI:

  • M. Farhan, Nadeem Akhtar, A. Firdous, M.M.S. Missen, M.A. Nizamani, H. Asmat, “Evaluating Mobile Phones and Web Sites for Academic Information Needs”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, Vol.07, No.10, pp.377-384, Oct. 2016, ISSN 2156-5570. DOI:

  • Nadeem Akhtar, M.M.S. Missen, N. Salamat, A. Firdous, M. Husnain, “A Study of Resilient Architecture for Critical Software-Intensive System-of-Systems (SiSoS)”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, Vol.07, No.08, pp.254-258, Aug. 2016, ISSN 2156-5570. DOI:

  • N. Perveen, M.M.S. Missen, Q. Rasool, Nadeem Akhtar, “Sentiment Based Twitter Spam Detection”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, Vol.07, No.07, pp. 568-573, July 2016, ISSN 2156-5570. DOI:

  • M. Asif, Nadeem Akhtar, M. Husnain, M.M.S. Missen, H. Asmat, M. Asghar, “Hashtag the Tweets: Experimental Evaluation of Semantic Relatedness Measures”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, Vol.07, No.06, pp.474-482, June 2016, ISSN 2156-5570. DOI:

  • D. Ali, M.M.S. Missen, Nadeem Akhtar, N. Salamat, H. Asmat, A. Firdous, “Gender Prediction for Expert Finding Task”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, Vol.07, No.05, pp.161-165, May 2016. ISSN 2156-5570. DOI:

  • M. Hameed, Nadeem Akhtar, M.S. Missen, “Role Based Multi-Agent System for E-Learning (MASeL)”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), The Science and Information (SAI) Organization, Vol.07, No.03, pp.194-200, March 2016, ISSN 2156-5570. DOI:

International Journal Publications indexed in different International Indexing Agencies

  • N. Salamat, Nadeem Akhtar, “A New Similarity Measure for Combining Conflicting Evidences”, Computer Science and Information Technology, ISSN: 2331-6063, Horizon Research, Vol.3, No.5, pp.214-218, 2015. DOI:

  • Nadeem Akhtar, M. Nauman, “Timed-Automata Based Model-Checking of a Multi-Agent System: A Case Study”, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, ISSN 1945-3116, Vol.08, No.02, pp.43-50, Feb. 2015. DOI:

  • Nadeem Akhtar, A.S. Ghori, N. Salamat, “REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND FORMAL VERIFICATION OF A MULTI-AGENT BASED UNIVERSITY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”, International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), ISSN 0975–3826, Vol.06, No.05, pp.73-81, Dec. 2014.

  • M.K. Mustafa, M.M.S. Missen, H. Asmat, Nadeem Akhtar, “Spatial Analysis of Geo-Tagged Tweets for Most Important Issues of the World”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), ISSN: 2231-5381, Vol.18, No.05, pp.180-187, Dec. 2014.

  • T.A. Khan, H. Asmat, F. Shahzad, M. F. Mushtaq, M.M.S. Missen, Nadeem Akhtar, “SN2SMS: Location-Aware Social Network Based SMS Health-Care System”, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, ISSN : 1694-0814 , Vol.11, No.04, pp.144-149, Jul. 2014.

  • Nadeem Akhtar, A. Akhtar, “KitRobot: A multi-platform graphical programming IDE to program mini-robotic agents”, Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems – IISTE, ISSN 2222-1719, Vol.05, No.03, pp.34-42, Mar. 2014.

  • Nadeem Akhtar, “Requirements, Formal Verification and Model transformations of an Agent-based System: A CASE STUDY”, Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems – IISTE, ISSN 2222-1719, Vol.05, No.03, pp.01-16, Mar.2014.

  • Nadeem Akhtar, M.M.S. Missen, "Contribution to the formal specification and verification of a multi-agent robotic system”, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.117, No.01, pp.35-55, Jan.2014. ISSN 1450-202X

  • Nadeem Akhtar, M. Nauman, “Formal specification and verification of an Internet Marketing System using Timed-Automata based UPPAAL”, European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.117, No.01, pp.56-64, Jan. 2014. ISSN 1450-216X.

  • Nadeem Akhtar, M.M.S. Missen, “Practical application of a light-weight formal implementation for specifying a multi-agent robotic system”, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, ISSN 1694-0814, Vol.11, No.01, pp.247-255, Jan. 2014.

  • Nadeem Akhtar, A. Akhtar, “Approach for the formal modeling of requirements, verification, and architecture of a multi-agent robotic system”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), ISSN: 1694-0814, Vol.11, No.01, pp.237-246, Jan.2014.

  • M.M.S. Missen, T.A. Khan, H. Asmat, N. Salamat, Nadeem Akhtar, “Mobile SMS based Self-Medication Support for Health Care”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), ISSN: 1694-0814, Vol.10, No.03, pp. 13-17, May 2013.

  • Nadeem Akhtar, Y.L. Guyadec, F. Oquendo, “Formal requirement and architecture specifications of a multi-agent robotic system”. Journal of Computing, ISSN 2151-9617. Vol.04, No.04, pp. 75-80, April 2012.

Conference Publications

  • M. Hameed, Nadeem Akhtar, M.M.S. Missen, “Comparative study of teaching first programming language in distance learning using lecture based approach and project based approach”, 4th e-Learning and Distance Education Conference (ELDEC2017), Lahore - Pakistan, November 2017.

  • Nadeem Akhtar, Yann Le Guyadec, Flavio Oquendo, “FORMAL SPECIFICATION AND VERIFICATION OF MULTI-AGENT ROBOTICS SOFTWARE SYSTEMS - A Case Study”. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - ICAART, pages 475-482, Jan. 2009, Porto, Portugal, ISBN 978-989-8111-66-1; ISSN 2184-433X. DOI:

PhD Thesis and MS Thesis

  • Nadeem Akhtar, “Design and development of graphical programming interface to program mini-robots and the definition of a Low Level Language grammar for this interface”, Master thesis, Laboratory VALORIA of Computer Science, University of South Brittany (UBS), Bretagne - FRANCE, 2005.